This section of the website holds exam information for candidates who are sitting exams over the course of this 2024/25 academic year.
Awarding Bodies
Awarding Bodies (or examination boards) are regulated organisations who govern qualifications. We are an approved examination centre for the following awarding bodies:
- Eduqas
- Pearson
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) set out the instructions for conducting examinations and assessments. This includes important information for candidates. This information is disseminated within school but can additionally be found on the JCQ website.
In advance of the summer exams all candidates will be given the following information:
A Statement of Entry
This tells candidates the exams, components and tiers that they will be sitting in the summer.
An Individual Exam Timetable
This tells candidates when their exams are taking place and is personalised for every candidate. It includes details of where they will be sitting their exams, and which seat they will be using.
JCQ Information for Candidates
This document is produced by the Joint Council for Qualifications and guides candidates through the exam process.
Candidates are also frequently reminded of forthcoming exams through staff, email, social media and via information supplied in the student shared area of our computer network. In addition, there is information available on the Exam Information Board located on the ground floor of the school.
Results Day
Thursday 21 August 2025
Centre Assessed Results and Review of Marking
Some qualifications include components that are not written examinations. These include controlled assessments and non-examination assessments and are marked by members of staff. Oasis Academy Lord’s Hill is committed to ensuring the process for doing this is done fairly and consistently and in accordance with the awarding body’s specification and subject-specific associated documents.
Contacting our Exams Team
Vice Principal: Alex Lowe
Operations Manager: David Talbot
Data Lead: Sarah Orman
Tel: 02380 393660
Policies & Handbooks